Arts and Crafts

The Arts and Crafts section. Right now it contains items handmade made by Eydie Wight.

Granny’s Knitted Slippers

By Eydie Wight

Materials: 4 ply worsted weight yarn (2 skeins)
size 5mm knitting needles
tapestry needle or crochet hook

Size: Pattern fits a 9-10 foot. For each size larger cast on 4 more stitches. Subtract 4 for each size smaller. Gauge is 4 sts. to the inch. The slippers are stretchy and look small and a bit misshapen until they are put on the foot!

Sole: Work with two strands of yarn held together.
Cast on 52 stitches
Row 1 and 2: Knit
Row 3: K1, inc.1, K24, inc.1, K2, inc.1, K24, inc.1, K1 (56 sts.)
Row 4 and 5: Knit
Row 6: K1, inc.1, K26, inc.1, K2, inc.1, K26, inc.1, K1 (60 sts.)
Row 7 and 8: Knit
Row 9: K1, inc.1, K 28, inc.1, K2, inc.1, K28, inc.1, K1 (64 sts.)
Row 10 and 11: Knit
Row 12: K1, inc.1, K30, inc.1, K2, inc.1, K30, inc.1, K1 (68 sts.)
Row 13: K33, inc.1, K2, inc.1, k33 (70 sts.)

Sides and Top:
Row 14: 15, 16, 17: Knit
Row 18: K31, K2tog, K4, K2tog, K31 (68sts.)
Row 19: K30, K2tog, P4, K2 tog, K30
Row 20: K28, K2tog, K6 K2tog, K28
Row 21: K27, K2tog, P6, K2tog, K27 (62 sts.)
Row 22: K25, K2tog, K8, K2tog, K25
Row 23: K24, K2tog, P8, K2tog, K24
Row 24: K22, K2tog, K10, K2tog, K22
Row 25: K21, K2tog, P10, K2tog, K21 (54 sts.)
Row 26: K19, K2tog, K12, K2tog, K19
Row 27: K18, K2tog, P12, K2tog, K18
Row 28: K17, K2tog, P12, K2tog, K17
Row 29: K16, K2tog, K12, K2tog, K17 (48 sts.)
Row 30: K1, K2tog, K12 K2tog, K5, K2tog, K12, K2tog, K1
Row 31: K13, K2tog, K11, K2tog, K13 (39 sts.)
Cast off. Sew up seams.

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